AluWhite98 is a glass alumina ceramic composite which was initially developed as a replacement for the now-unavailable Russian Opal Glass MC-20. AluWhite98 is available in both matte and gloss surface finishes. All standards are available with NIST/NRC traceable calibrations for 8°/hemispherical reflectance factor from 250 nm to 2500 nm.
AluWhite98 is stable to >300°C, atomic oxygen, and space environs. It has been used as a calibration standard material on the Mars Perseverance Rover. The material is machineable and has been made into a wide variety of shapes.
Matte Material: AluWhite98(m)
The matte material Aluwhite98(m) is quite diffuse and has a slightly higher overall reflectance than the glossy version, AluWhite98(g). The reflectance of the matte material exceeds 97% over most of its usable range (400-2100 nm), and is extremely lambertian. The matte material absorbs water reversibly. It can be cleaned by sanding with waterproof silicon carbide paper and clean running water, followed by drying at 150°C overnight.
The matte material can be laser-cut.
Glossy Material: AluWhite98(g)
The glossy material exceeds 96%R from 500 nm- 2100nm. The glossy surface repels water. AluWhite98(g) is a better choice if the standard needs to be easily cleanable.