Avian Gold Standards and Targets

Gold reflectance standards, available in custom sizes

Diffuse gold is an excellent standard for wavelengths from 850 nm to >15 µm. Avian Technologies AvianGold offers >90% diffuse reflectance from 1000 nm to well into the mid-infrared.


Custom sizes available on request; contact us to discuss your specific application.

The same product is available as a custom coating.

AvianGold 8°/Hemispherical Reflectance Factor - NIR (click for full size)
AvianGold 8°/Hemispherical Reflectance Factor - Mid-IR (click for full size)

2" diameter Gold Standard, in Delrin holder with cover


2" square Gold Standard target, in aluminum holder


5" square Gold Standard target, in aluminum holder


10" square Gold Standard target, in Aluminum holder


Custom products are our specialty!
Contact us for more information.